Sunday, April 5, 2009

New journey part of the 2009 Heritage Team

Hey friends,
Sending my first blog, from my favorite spot lately, in front of my computer screens. This is the place where all those wonderful "Heritage Education Manual" lessons come to, to get their final tweaking.

It's so exciting to be part of this fabulous Heritage Team, working at bringing another great art educational program to be shared around the globe.

My goal with this blog is to take you to the beginning of my art journey and share what great adventures I have experienced up until the present.

I must tell you what a privilege it is for me to be part of the new Heritage Team of artists from around the globe, who have been hand-picked to present a continuation of Art Education that will sweep this globe. I have deep appreciation for the original Heritage Artist Team that started this amazing journey for me. When you walk in someone else's shoes, you appreciate those who have travelled before you to pave the path. So I say thanks to David Jansen and his team of Heritage Artists for having a vision and making it all happen.

More later as I take you back in time, and fill in the rest of the story.
Frieda, Miss Editor

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